- Born on June 28, 1967 in Bologna; Italian citizen; qualified as a lawyer in the Republic of Italy; arbitrator; mediator in civil and business law matters ("Mediatore Professionista" as provided under Legislative Decree n.28/2010 - EU directive) listed at the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna, Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna. In 2008 he established JUSLAW.
- Academic education both in Italy and abroad with a Master of Laws (LL.M. - U.S. and International Business Law - Thesis on Conflict of Laws), at University of Georgia, School of Law, Athens, Georgia, United States (1997/98) and a Master of Laws (LL.M. - European Business Law), organised by Pallas Consortium, Nijmegen - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1996/97), and in Italy with a Graduate Course in European Community Law (1995/96) and Laurea in Giurisprudenza (J.D.) at University of Bologna, School of Law, Bologna, Italy (Thesis on Labor Law - 1993).
- With regard to ADR he has attended several courses (continuing education) on human resources, mediation & negotiation skills (also trough non violent communication seminars – M. B. Rosenberg; "certification candidate" at, domestic & international arbitration. Co-author of: Ingredients for Collective Intelligence: How to run a living group that gets things done in flow (version US,
version UK)
- Areas of practice
Banking & Finance (Digital Transformation and Agile Legal); private equity fund structuring & deal making; Information Technology (Software – Multimedia, Data protection); Intellectual Property; Civil Law; Business Law and Company Law (Incorporation, Shareholder Agreements, Corporate Compliance, Data Protection Laws); Bankruptcy Law; Mergers and Acquisitions; Partnerships; International Trade Law (Conflicts of Law); Competition and Trade (EU & Italian Antitrust Law); Intellectual Property; Conflict Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Negotiation & Mediation, Arbitration, Litigation).
- Professional Experience
since 2019, HSBC Bank Plc, Senior Legal Counsel (Contractor), London, England
since 2008, JUSLAW, Bologna - Milan - Rome, Italy
2005 - 2007, Studio Legale Pifferi, Bologna - Milan, Italy
2003 - 2004, Studio Legale Rinaldi, Bologna, Italy
2000 - 2002, Studio Legale Tonucci, Milan, Italy
1999, Cesaris, Nunziante e Breveglieri, Milan, Italy
1993-1995, Pifferi-Proietti Coraggi-Annovi, Modena, Italy
- Languages Italian and English (primary working languages); French and Spanish.